Cedar Shake Roofing Systems


Cedar shakes are one of the most aesthetically appealing roofing systems available on the market today. Traditionally made from Western Red Cedar, they are the ideal roofing material for homeowners who prefer giving their roofs a natural look. A roof of Western Red Cedar shakes resists high winds, heavy rains, ice, snow and sun. This is why they are used widely across varied climatic conditions. Over the years, cedar weathers to an attractive silver-grey colour while helping to keep the house cool in summer and warm in winter.

Western Red Cedar hand-split shakes, used for the roofs and walls of native lodges, were the fore bearers of the modern shake and shingle industry. These distinctive products have been used as roof and wall cladding throughout North America since the turn of the last century.

A roof of shakes or shingles is an investment in good looks, good taste and longevity.  Western Red Cedar shakes and shingles have a proud architectural tradition.  They complement any building style, beautifully and naturally.

If you’re looking for a professional cedar shake roofer, then please give us a call today (416) 759-8567 or complete our online request form.